Thursday 16 February 2017

Tuesday 6 December 2016


well didn't get very far with Bonnies MQ --21of clue one and 4 of clue 2and they are done in scrap fabric to make sure I understood the ruler, however in my defence I've still to finish up two baby quilts and I want them out of the way before Christmas and I must try to work out photo adding on the IPad !!!

Friday 25 November 2016

Bonnies MQ

The mystery quilt instructions ---part 1 have reached U.K. Only one problem I will not get my Sunday sew in I'm of to the knitting and stitching show in Harrogate, but I will make time to cut the 2inch neutrals but I'm going to raid the scrap bin first, I know I have a bunch of neutrals in there.
I'll have all next week to turn them into 4 patches.

Monday 21 November 2016


Just back home from our daughters wedding in London no pics yet as the bride wants to post first. The bride was beautiful the bridesmaids and flower girls a credit to all, and the groom handsome. Hubby walked her down the aisle which made every one emotional as 12months ago he was still in hospital recovering from two major spinal ops and MRSA and when he came home he had to learn to walk. I gave one of the readings with tears running down my face (omitted to wear mascara) I was just so emotional,as one of her friends said later it was a fantastic wedding as she had cried o much!! Now it's back to normal .

Saturday 12 November 2016

I'm back

Well the little nudge from Lane at quilt fool has got me blogging again.
Life here is a little chaotic at the moment ---
Our DD gets married a week today wedding quilt is made a modern quilt of a pixelated & in purples with a neutral background, had it professionally quilted by the lovely Emma as my time is limited since DH has been ill, also made a flimsy for guests to sign sooo just to drive hubby and I to London from the north-west of England and hounding and terrier to kennels and I can relax. Haha

Monday 5 May 2014

How time flies

Can't believe it's so long since I last blogged and I know it will be over 2 weeks before I can blog again!!
Not really been so busy on the sewing front but did manage to have a sewing table that looked like this-- yes I've been getting to grips with some of my scraps I seem to cut loads but I've still got a bagful
You can see the bag of scraps on the right.
I've also had to make creative mend to my DH 's hoodie that he wears for hound walking and keeps biccies in the pockets and Polly greyhound decieded it was too easy to go in through the opening and chewed a hole to get at them when he left it on the chair. so the legs of an old pair of jeans and about 15mins of my time and we have "designer hoodie"!!